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Our RE Curriculum

At CTS, our commitment to Religious Education (RE) is not just a part of our curriculum—it's a cornerstone of our identity and a reflection of our Christian ethos. Our approach to RE is deeply rooted in CARE (Choices, Aspiration, Reflection, and Engagement) and our foundational Christian values. By drawing inspiration from the Parable of the Sower, we strive to cultivate an environment that allows our children to grow and flourish, much like seeds in fertile soil. Our curriculum is designed to provide a nurturing ground for developing social values, guided by our CARE principles and Christian teachings, with the ultimate goal of shaping students into respectful individuals who contribute positively to the local, national, and global communities.

RE at CTS is a core subject, integral to our educational philosophy. We are dedicated to fostering religious literacy among our students, deepening their understanding of Christianity while also expanding their knowledge of other faiths and worldviews. This balanced approach encourages a comprehensive appreciation of global cultures and religions, promoting a harmonious and inclusive society. Our curriculum is ambitious and thought-provoking, challenging students to engage in critical thinking and inquiry. By encouraging questioning and exploration, we support our students in forming their own worldviews, underpinned by values of respect and diversity. Our adaptive teaching methods ensure that every child, including those with additional needs, have the opportunity to excel and achieve their full potential.

Furthermore, our dedication to fostering the spiritual, moral, and cultural development of our students extends beyond the confines of academic achievement. The RE curriculum is a gateway to profound reflections on life, spirituality, and the essence of humanity, promoting a deep respect for the spiritual journeys and beliefs of others. Through the exploration of religious beliefs, practices, and their impact on individuals and societies, our students acquire a comprehensive understanding of their place in the world and their capacity to effect positive change.

At CTS, we remain committed to guiding our students on their own spiritual and moral journeys, equipping them with the knowledge, empathy, and understanding necessary to navigate the complexities of a diverse and ever-evolving global community.