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Keeping Physically Active

Physical activity has countless health benefits for children! Not only does exercise improve a child’s overall health and fitness, but it can also help to improve their mental health and cognitive development as well.

Here are some of the key benefits of physical activity for children:

  • Builds confidence and improves social skills
  • Gives children the opportunity to learn new skills and teaches them important life skills
  • Strengthens muscles and bones
  • Helps to develop coordination
  • Enhances concentration and learning, which increases productivity and success
  • Makes children feel good and elevates their mood
  • Inspires positivity and encourages tolerance
  • Helps to relieve stress and maintain mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Improves sleep and energy levels
  • Reduces the risk of morbidity and mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases
  • Improves overall health and fitness and helps children maintain a healthy weight to prevent childhood obesity#

The following websites have lots of ideas and suggestions for both you and your child :