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Collective Worship

What is Collective Worship?

The vision for our school and all in our community encompasses our Christian values and are at the heart of everything we do.

At Christ the Sower Ecumenical  Primary School we believe that Collective Worship is an opportunity that allows us to explore our distinctive Christian ethos and that it contributes to the academic and personal development and well-being of our community. It is the heartbeat of our school.

Our Collective Worship aims to:

  • inspire and include - it should engage all learners by creating a reflective approach and provide opportunities to explore deeper thinking
  • nurture our community that is rooted in our Christian vision and our CARE ethos.
  • Encourage aspiration, through opening our pupil's eyes and hearts to the wonder and possibility in the world.
  • challenge our learners of all faiths and belief systems to embark on a spiritual journey of reflection
  • provide a safe space where everyone can participate and respond
  • contribute significantly to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils
  • provide an opportunity for all to plan, lead and reflect upon a variety of styles of worship
  • allows all to experience a time of stillness, reflection and the worship of God on their own terms


 All pupils will celebrate an act of collective worship each day; we gather together as a whole school every morning. 

Children in Daisy class (nursery)  participate in a daily act of collective worship in their classrooms. They also attend the EYFS/KS1 celebration assembly on Friday morning.

The Headteacher and teachers lead collective worship. One day a week, clergy from Watling Valley churches lead collective worship too. This includes Church of England and Methodist ministers.

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Collective worship is held at 10.30 am and lasts approximately 15 minutes.


Collective worship is singing, which lasts approximately 20 minutes, during which praise songs are learnt, practised and sung.


Celebration  Collective Worship is led by the Head and Deputy headteachers.

For children in Years N - 2, Collective Worship is held at 10:30. Children from each class receive a CARE certificate, linked to the weekly focus. There are other awards that children can achieve, including golden tickets for making good choices in their behaviour during the week. Parents/carers of children receiving awards are invited to attend. A hymn is sung, and the worship closes with the school prayer. The KS2 assembly is held separately at 2:45pm.

Music at Christ the Sower 

Music is one of our great strengths.  We know that music allows children to express and connect with a world beyond themselves.  We have a large and highly talented choir, which regularly performs at venues such as Young Voices and local community events.  On Tuesdays we have a ‘singing assembly’ where children learn a variety of songs, from traditional Christian hymns to African chants and modern songs.  Music adds a depth and splendour to our worship at school and c